850 bodentia defined, regular, about nine to the centimeter at middle ; length of hairs equal to about one and one-half width of rings. Fur soft but interspersed with numerous coarse hairs which impart to it a somewhat harsh quality ; with a lens these coarse hairs are seen to be very slender bristles, distinctly grooved on the upper side. Mammse : p 2 — 2, i 3 — 3 = 10. Colour.—The two main types of colour are (1) dark slaty, becoming almost blackish on back, and (2) light brown above, pale bufi" or light grey below. All possible intermediate stages exist connecting the two extremes. SlulJ.—In general features the skull shows no marked peculiarities. Dorsal profile faintly convex throughout, but ri(3. 172. Epiwys ruitvK. Nat. size. idattened over posterior half of nasals, between orbits and on posterior half of brain case ; occiput squarely and almost perpen¬ dicularly truncate ; ventral profile nearly fiat. Brain-case squarish in outline when viewed from above, but slightly longer than wide and somewhat narrowed posteriorly, the sides of its upper surface marked by conspicuous longitudinal ridges continuous with the overhanging interorbital beads. The greatest width of brain-case across these ridges is distinctly greater than length of parietal measured along ridge. No trace of sagittal crest, but u low ridge-like lambdal crest present in old individuals and